Legal Notice and Privacy Policy

Identification Data

This website belongs to Spain FUE Academy SL, with registered office at Calle Pintor Peiro 2.

The activity carried out by Spain FUE Academy SL is aesthetic medicine, plastic surgery, hair and gynecological-aesthetic surgery, and its website is For any suggestion or problem, you can contact us electronically at or


Spain FUE Academy SL assumes no responsibility for the incorrect use of the information provided through its internet pages. Likewise, and within legal limits, it assumes no responsibility for the lack of accuracy, completeness, or timeliness of the data or information published on the websites it owns.

Spain FUE Academy SL may make modifications and updates to the information contained on this website or its configuration or presentation at any time and without prior notice.

Spain FUE Academy SL assumes no responsibility for the connection or contents of third-party links referenced on this website.

Intellectual Property

The information provided through this Portal is protected by intellectual property legislation.

The intellectual property rights of the content of this Portal, including its graphic design and the codes it contains, belong to Spain FUE Academy SL, unless a different ownership is indicated.

Unauthorized reproduction, distribution, marketing, or transformation of these works, except for personal and private use, constitutes an infringement of the intellectual property rights of Spain FUE Academy SL or its owner. Likewise, all trademarks or distinctive signs of any kind contained in the Portal are protected by law. Unauthorized use of the information contained in this Portal, as well as damages caused to the intellectual and industrial property rights of its owners, may give rise to the exercise of legally corresponding actions and, if applicable, to the responsibilities derived from such exercise.

Data Protection Policy

Spain FUE Academy SL informs users that no personal data is collected through its website without their knowledge.

The processing of personal data carried out through this site will be subject to the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999, on the Protection of Personal Data (LOPD), Royal Decree 1720/2007, Law on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce and other applicable regulations.

Right to Information

In accordance with applicable data protection regulations, Spain FUE Academy SL informs users of its website that the data voluntarily provided will be incorporated into its files, and Spain FUE Academy SL will process your personal data as expressed in these conditions or resulting from them, for the purposes detailed below.

Spain FUE Academy SL guarantees that the processing of your data is carried out confidentially and that it has adopted technical, organizational, and administrative security measures to protect its confidentiality and integrity, avoiding its alteration, loss, processing or unauthorized access in accordance with current regulations.

Data Collected Through Forms on the Web

The user authorizes Spain FUE Academy SL to process the personal data voluntarily provided, through forms and email, for:

The management of any request for information sent by email.
The sending of information about any business, commercial or social aspect of the company and the activities it organizes or participates in.
The sending of information about products and services of the different entities with which Spain FUE Academy SL has signed collaboration agreements, responsible for their marketing, whether or not any operation is formalized, or, if applicable, once the existing contractual relationship has been terminated.
The conduct of surveys and statistical studies.
It should be noted that this policy only applies to the website of Spain FUE Academy SL and not to the links that may be provided from this website to others.

Purpose of the Collection and Processing of User Data

All data requested in the forms must be filled in mandatorily so that we can contact you and assist you in managing your request.

The personal data provided are absolutely confidential and will only be shared with third-party companies or entities when the management of your request requires it under legally provided terms. No data will be communicated without your consent.

The user will be responsible, in any case, for the truthfulness of the data provided, reserving Spain FUE Academy SL the right to exclude from the registered services any user who has provided false data, without prejudice to other actions that may proceed in law.

The user declares to be of legal age and therefore to have full capacity to act.

Transfer of Personal Data of Users to Collaborating Companies

The user accepts that their data may be transferred, exclusively for the purposes indicated above, to other entities with which Spain FUE Academy SL signs collaboration agreements, respecting in all cases the Spanish legislation on the protection of personal data and without the need for each first transfer made to the said assignees to be communicated. This consent to the transfer of data is revocable in accordance with current legislation.

All data is treated with absolute confidentiality, not being accessible to third parties for

purposes other than those for which they have been authorized.

Spain FUE Academy SL will not share your personal information with any third party without your permission, except in the case of duly authorized information requests by government authorities or compliance with a law, rule, subpoena, or court order.

Rights of Users in Relation to Their Personal Data

The User may exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation, and opposition, and, where appropriate, by whoever represents them, by written and signed request addressed to Spain FUE Academy SL, Calle Pintor Peiro 2, along with a photocopy of the DNI.


It should be noted that this policy only applies to the website of Spain FUE Academy SL and not to the links that may be provided from this website to others.


Right of Reservation: To obtain a place in one of our advanced courses, a payment must be made in concept of reservation right, for the sum of 1,000€, the interested party gives their express consent to reserve a place in the Advanced FUE Course and must also state the date on which they wish to attend, which will depend on the course offerings at the time the training is contracted. The remaining balance must be paid at least 5 (five) business days before the start of the course.

In the event of non-attendance by the interested party on the start date of the course or notice of non-attendance to the same within 14 days, the academy will not refund the aforementioned reservation as compensation for expenses incurred, however, you will have the right to withdraw in the following cases:

The reservation will be refundable during the first 14 calendar days counted from the payment, the refund will be made through bank transfer and once the withdrawal signed by the interested party is received and it is within the date of the right that assists them.

After the aforementioned period of 14 days from the payment, no amount will be refunded in case of withdrawal, so, if you decide not to continue with the participation in the reserved course, you will not have any right to the refund of the reservation signal.

Considering that the offer of courses is made in different locations and countries, the reservation cannot be transferred or used to obtain a place in a country different from the reserved course.

Spain FUE Academy SL is exonerated from any fault and from facing indemnities or compensations.